Columns & News

What are some reasons to celebrate together at work? Is it after getting that big project? Achieving your budget targets? How about finally solving that seemingly impossible problem? Or when

While all companies irrespective of nationality share similar business objectives and goals, the concept of corporate compliance seems to have originated from the US. Therefore, despite the best efforts, language

To get the best results, companies need to get the best efforts from its employees. Thus, it’s not surprising that many are constantly trying to find ways to motivate, inspire,

パンデミックが続く今、消費者は何を求めているのか。ポストコロナの世界は、何を人々は考えるか。オンライン定性調査を通して、国境を越えた声をきいてみませんか。 オンライン定性調査とは Zoom*等のオンライン会議システムを利用しながらモデレーターが対象者にインタビューすることで、

What are consumers looking for in the post-pandemic world? What will people think about life after COVID-19? A new normal requires a new method for listening to the voice of

In our previous article, we looked at current key issues, initiatives already implemented, and main priorities of companies in Thailand regarding corporate compliance. In this final episode of our corporate